News & Notes




Four out of eight plaster forms for casting iPhone6-future-relics in black glass.


…for now with the wax still inside the mold.

Solanum I & II

solanumSmall diptych (Solanum I & II) I’m donating to the Western Front’s 44th anniversary fundraiser.
Picking up on amateur meteorite photography and 19th century spirit photography.


Opening today, February 9, 2017:
This Now, More Than Ever
Simon Fraser University Gallery, Vancouver, CA


Herbert Marcuse's gravestone in Berlin (my contribution to the show)

Image of Herbert Marcuse’s grave in Berlin (my contribution to the show);
“weitermachen” = “carry on,” “continue”



fcf6e013248253.5636985e3354aImage of a thing by Kevin McNamee-Tweed found on



flesh_phone_28smProfane waxes.

Left: iPhone with hymen; right: Anonymous Tantric painting from Rajasthan, circa 2002.

“Magie der Gegenwart”: Süddeutsche Zeitung on the iPhone as pure surface and contemporary magic.

Opening today, January 4, 2017:

In the Open
Western Gallery, Bellingham, WA

photography: Blaine Campbell

Stoppages (2011)




ex-voto wax objects Photography: © José Luiz Bernardes Ribeiro / CC BY-SA 3.0

ex-voto wax objects
Photography: © José Luiz Bernardes Ribeiro / CC BY-SA 3.0



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Ball of Wax.




Model of the moon by Julius Schmidt (1825-1884), astronomer and geologist.

Model of the moon by Julius Schmidt (1825-1884), astronomer and geologist.




rocks_greenscreenfakes in the making

mighty potato


Spent a day at the Pitt Rivers Museum’s study room last Thursday, looking at lucky charms from the reserve collection, coincidentally furthering my knowledge on the secret life of the potato (this one from 1897; to be effective against rheumatism it had to be stolen and then carried in one’s pocket).

Potato used as a cure for rheumatism. Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, accession no. 1897.83.3.

Potato used as a cure for rheumatism. Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, accession no. 1897.83.3.